Alternative and Traditional Medicine Research and Technology


Omics Group would like to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Traditional Medicine for 3rd  International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine, August 03-05, 2015 at Birmingham, UK with the theme of “Understanding the wisdom of Nature cure, Encouraging new Innovations in Treatment and Rehabilitation” This conference is mainly will focus the latest and exciting innovations in every area of traditional Medicine research, and it will offer a unique opportunity for investigators from all over the world to meet, network, and perceive new scientific interactions.

OMICS Group International is an union of Open Access publisher and international science conferences event organizer.  OMICS Group now has more than 400 Open Access journals with 30,000 Editorial team and 3 million readers. OMICS Group also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through panel discussions, round table meetings, poster presentations, International workshops, International symposiums and world-class exhibitions. OMICS Group Meetings hosts presentations from eminent experts in all the relevant fields.

Traditional Medicine-2015 Prime motto is to address the challenges in creating a more secure, sustainable and affordable system for medicine, and health through consolidating the underpinning Traditional Medicine research platforms. Traditional Medicine-2015 conference prepares a ground for seeding new ideas and nurturing knowledge through discussions and analysis on Traditional & Alternative Medicine developments. Traditional Medicine-2015 is planned to be a perfect rostrum for prominent practitioners from Ayurveda, Herbal, and various practices of Alternative Medicine  to showcase the advantages and importance of Naturopathy. scheduled with a vision of promoting the Natural practice implemented as a therapy is going to play its own role in the development of applicability of traditional medicine as there will be a integration of outstanding and ingenious scientists with enthusiastic graduates from all the related fields through the theme: "Understanding the wisdom of nature cure, encouraging new innovations in treatment and rehabilitation".

The global alternative medicine sector is expected to reach close to $115 billion by 2015, according to Global Industry Analysts. Market growth is fuelled by a trend toward herbal and nature-based products, based on the presumption these products cause fewer side effects than modern medicines. Alternative medicine disciplines such as acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine are being practiced more widely in the western world. Around 75% of the population in emerging nations receive alternative medical healthcare, compared with over half of the population of developed nations, particularly for lifestyle-related diseases.

 Collaborated Conference:

  1. 7thInternational Conference on Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine

      Date: May 18-19, 2017

      Venue: Munich, Germany

      Short Name: Chinese Medicine 2017 

  1. 5thInternational Conference and Expo on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine       

Date: July 27-28, 2017

Venue:  Chicago, USA

Short Name: Acupuncture

  1. 9thInternational Conference and Exhibition on Chinese Medicine Ayurveda & Acupuncture

Date: March 12-13 2018

Venue: Barcelona, Spain

Short Name: Chinese Medicine 2018